Great Goals for Yourself


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Perhaps you’re like most people who have already lost track of their New Year’s Resolutions. Or maybe, you pass on resolutions because it’s not worth the effort to set yourself up for failure. Either way, this is a great time of year to analyze your heart and ask God how He would like to impact your life.

Perhaps resolutions aren’t the right way to strengthen your character, because they are often short-lived. It seems like goals are too overwhelming. They take such a strong commitment, and to be honest, there’s too many of them to count. But, goals are actually rather effective, so you may need a little planning and focus this year for developing great goals for yourself! Instead of writing out a list of areas to improve yourself, consider narrowing down your list to four focal areas. Create a plan to reach your goal and then move on to the next goal in that area.

Intellectual Goals for Yourself

An intellectual goal can stem from a particular struggle in school, a deep desire to spend more time studying God’s Word or entertaining more random trivia concepts that always seem to come in handy. An intellectual goal should involve seeking more wisdom or knowledge in a particular area of your life, allowing for personal growth.

Physical Goals for Yourself

Your body is made of mind, body and spirit. These are integrated to make a whole being. Therefore, you cannot neglect one area of this triad. Your body is just as important as your mind and spirit. A physical goal isn’t about attaining a certain exterior look, it’s about caring for your body and nurturing it the way it deserves. Physical goals are inspired by the desire to be healthy and care for your body through eating healthy, getting adequate sleep, exercising and drinking plenty of fluids.

Relational Goals for Yourself

Friends and community are such an important part of your life. Ask God what relationship needs your focus this year. Interestingly, it might not be the weakest or hardest relationship. Sometimes God wants to strengthen the natural bonds He creates. He might want to bring you closer to the people you already love. God can even ask you to begin a new relationship – which can be an invigorating challenge.

Spiritual Goals for Yourself

You can’t do any of these goals on your own, you need God’s help. You need Him to give you the strength to bring about positive change in your personal lives. So, the final goal you set for the year should be a spiritual one. This goal should bring you back to God again and again. A Spiritual goal should be rooted in worshiping and honoring God. By setting a spiritual goal, your faith (as well as your relationship with the Lord) will grow stronger.

Make your goals specific, measurable and attainable. Then create a plan to make your goal a reality by the end of the year!  That’s the exciting part about this journey is you have an entire year (or more) to accomplish this goal. If you don’t need a full year, then start your next goal. That’s the incredible aspect of goal setting. They evolve and revolve.

Free Goals for Yourself Download

Write your goals down on this free download and post it somewhere in your room so you’re reminded of these powerful goals that will change your life for the better.

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